Welcome to the Missouri Slope Section section website for the members of the IEEE. Here you will find important announcements, calendar of events, information on officers, and useful links. Please use the navigation menu on top to browse the pages.
Missouri Slope is located in Region 4 and covers most of western and central North Dakota. The current membership totals around 100 people. The Section typically meets once a month, usually in Bismarck, ND from 12-1pm.
Section History:
Originally this area was considered part of the Red River Subsection of the Twin Cities Section and was basically inactive. The energy boom in the 1970’s caused a significant increase in the number of electrical engineers in this area. Several engineers decided it would be beneficial to form a new subsection to serve new and existing members in the area.
Sometime in August 1977 three engineers combined their resource to start the process of forming a new subsection. They were Matt Schwarz (SSR), Don Hinkle (Finley), and Bob Newell (Basin Electric). A petition signed by 21 local IEEE members was submitted to National in November 1978 to form the Missouri Slope Subsection of the Twin Cities Section, and our status as a subsection was approved April 1979.
As membership numbers grew it was decided to become a separate section altogether. So in December 1984 a petition signed by 50 members was submitted to National to form the Missouri Slope Section. That was approved February 22, 1985.