Hawaii Section Oceanic Engineering Chapter, OE22
Welcome to the IEEE Hawaii Oceanic Engineering Chapter's website. Here you will find important announcements, calendar of events, information on officers, other units, and useful links. Please use the navigation menu on top to browse the pages.
- Technical Talk - Monday, December 3rd, 5:30PM, Maple Gardens Restaurant. Song K. Choi of UH-Manoa is out featured speaker. His talk will be on the subject of underwater robotics. Since we are limited to twenty people, please RSVP if you plan to attend. Only $5.00 for IEEE members, $10.00 for nonmembers.
The address is 909 Isenberg, St., Honolulu, HI 96826.
(Map: http://www.maplegardenhawaii.com/contact_and_directions.php)
Questions and RSVP to john.camery@ieee.org.